Originally Posted by Myka
I'm not sure if there are any in Southern Ontario anymore. The original frag was imported into Ontario from the US, but he shut his tank down a few years ago, and I heard that he lost his mother colony before he shut it down. As far as I know, he only made 3 frags, and all 3 of them went here to Saskatoon. One of those died, one is huge and the owner won't frag it, and I have the 3rd one. I have sold 2 frags to BC - one is big enough to frag, but I don't think he's cut or sold any yet, and I sold one frag back to the guy here that lost his. So as far as I know, there are only 5 people that own this coral in Canada right now.
I've heard that people have had issues fragging this Pectinia, and have lost their mother colonies to brown jelly after fragging, but mine has fragged well (so far, touch wood). I do currently have one frag sitting in my tank beside the mother. 
Congrats - it looks stunning! Er, um, if that's yours I see.....staying on topic here....
I'm heading to my first ever Fragfest next weekend and I have no idea what to expect other than I'm rigging up a temporary frag rack in the current tank -
just in case I need it. Also taking the cash I've stashed on an ongoing basis for hobby stuff. Excited over here....and I'm off topic again, sorry!