I cant even remember what the lights were at when I did the pictures.... still have a lot more playing around with the lights to do... and I probably need to stop dropping my camera, might help with some quality issue...
Think I will try and get the lights cable mounted to the ceiling next weekend, so I can use the pulley to bring them up and down when I access the tank.... Issue = Vaulted ceilings.... the tank is right under where the ceiling is the highest.

Gonna have to find chains or something else to find a mounting point 10 feet closer to the ground since the hanging kits that came with the lights certainly wont reach 12ft into the air....
Sounds like the Butterfly is starting to be a turd face. He was doing so good

He's getting cocky... I was letting him get away with SPS eating so I think hes going a step too far, might have a fish to rehome in a few days
Anyone have any ideas about anthias species to add? I was preferably thinking 5 or 6 more Lyretails, but J&L doesn't have that many.... I'm wondering how well my Butt head male lyretail would do with 5 or 6 girls of another Pseudanthias genus fish.... can they withstand his BS? I'm not too familiar with the "aggression" levels between the different species.