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Old 04-02-2016, 05:39 PM
proudnewbie proudnewbie is offline
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Thanks greg.
Just to clarify a few points. What i mean about using the seachem is the qt currently already has some in it. I used it to instant cycle the qt tank. I always have some in my tanks for this purpose. My question is wether it would die off at hypo. Since the BB is different in SW and FW i was unsure at what SG the BB would die off.
Also if i slowly lower the SG for hypo, but it doesnt kill the bacteria there should be no spike in amonia.
If i used ttm i could do the same using seeded media from dt and chuck or sterilize after use. Again no amonia spike. I do have some zero carb on hand just in case.
Copper is definately the last thing id ever want to do
As for ph i meant having aragonite in a filter bag in hob. Cant affect sg since its used in sw and fw. Also would still be bare bottom for cleaning but would disolve when ph drops below 8.0
Also thanks for confirming MI. Guess my mind just didnt want to accept it.

Last edited by proudnewbie; 04-02-2016 at 05:42 PM.
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