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Old 04-02-2016, 03:10 AM
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gregzz4 gregzz4 is offline
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I've always had decent luck with hypo. Lost some, but the percentages are good. I'd suggest using a pH probe or test kit to monitor and dose Alk. You need to keep hypo water 7.8 or above. It can drop lots at SG of 1.008 where I run it.

Never done the TTM, but heard it works well.
Make sure you use something other than a net so you don't damage the fish during each transfer.
When my tank leaked last month, I used a small Kritter Keeper to herd/catch my fish, so they were never touched. What applies here is a smooth collander or such to avoid all contact with the fish.

As for adding another fish, go ahead and buy it now if you feel you and your QT can handle all of them safely. Start dropping your SG the evening you buy the newest guy and away you go for the next 6 weeks.

I'll suggest a Seachem Ammo Badge, and keep on hand some kind of ammonia binder such as AmGuard or AmQuel just in case. Prime works fine if you already have it.
Plus keep enough New Saltwater mixing on hand to perform at least a 25% WC. 50-75% is better in case of emergencies. Chemicals are great for reducing ammonia, but if your nitrites/nitrates climb too high, a big WC is a must.

If you go hypo, a calibrated refractometer is a MUST. MI can apparently survive in SG as low as 1.010.
As I eluded to above, I run hypo @ 1.008 and use an ATO, plus an Alk dosing pump controlled by a pH probe to keep my pH @ 8.0.

But this is just me as I'm a bit anal and get all complicated with equipment.

Good luck !
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