I pulled the trigger and just finished placing an order for an Elite Aquatics 3-drain system through Reef Supplies.
I will be running a Bean now instead of a Herbie. Might as well while I have the opportunity to do so.
Can't beat the price, and I don't have the time to cut/assemble all the pieces involved.
By the time I purchase all the needed acrylic and bulkheads I'd be looking @ close to half the price of the unit.
Then cutting and assembling such a unit takes time I don't have.
I have all the necessary tools to build this unit, but know I can't make a 1-off look as nice as one cut with a CNC unit.
I just hope it arrives as pretty as their pictures, and is water tight
There's a full-page list of stuff I need to get done before June and this is not going to be one of them !!