A little bit of everything YYC
I have to clear some things out as I realize that I'm just hoarding.
Carpeting Duncan
2x 4 heads $30
2 heads $20
5-6 heads $40
1- green/purple hammer frag $20
1- 2 polyp green/purple blastomussa frag $20
A ton of Acanthastrea 'lordhowensis" frags from average but nice to higher end rainbows
2" bright red Lobo $80
Pulsing Zena
Small frag $20
1- 2 polyp Red death $30
1- 3 polyp LA Laker $20
1- 2 polyp Captain America $20
2- fully encrusted sarmentosa "strawberry fields" frags $25
1- fully encrusted sarmentosa "strawberry fields" mini colony $40
1- 1" encrusted Red Planet frag $25
1 - Green Stylophora frag $30
1 - Tubbs Birdsnest frag $20
Fresh cut branch from a colony that's getting out of hand. Colors are purple to baby blue to pearl. Basically these branches are mini to mid colony sized. $40/each probably 2 or 3 of them
I have other frags that I could be convinced to sell.
PM me your phone number/corals your interested in and I'll text you pictures. Local sales only.
Last edited by Duncans n' Dendros; 03-24-2016 at 05:29 PM.