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Old 03-24-2016, 02:45 PM
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Originally Posted by FishyFishy! View Post
Id say for starters add a few more snails, clean the glass regularily and do a couple water changes to get those nitrates down a bit.

I'd recommend Trochus snails, they do a somewhat decent job of the glass. Normally people have to clean the glass every 2 days or so to keep it sparkling clean... pretty normal. The Tunze glass cleaners are very good. I'd also recommend Salifert kits for Alk, NO3, CA, and Mg. A Hanna checker for PO4 will give you much more accuracy than Salifert, and that API kit will do just fine for Ammonia. I didn't even test for Nitrite after the cycle. Keep your lighting schedule at or under 10 hours a day. I also believe water changes of 10 - 20% every week, or 15 - 50% every 2 weeks is pretty standard and can do good. Opinions may vary, lol. Good luck.
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