Full fish room picture.

Plumbing explained: Ro/Di water is drawn from near by bar sink (white line). Blue line is Ro/Di water to storage tank. Red line is waste water to drain line connected to sink.
With the 40G storage tank plumbing (valves). You can add water to the ATO pail, Mix salt water and add new salt water to sump.
In the sump there are 3 (1.5")drain lines, Bean animal setup. 2 drain in the drain/sock section and the 3rd (emergency) is in the refugium. The main drain is controlled by a gate valve.
For the return(1") there are 2 returns into the tank, 2 tees with 1/2" inline ball valve with push connect for future use ,there is 1 tee into the fuge and an in line valve to drain waste water out of tank/sump (to the right of Ro/Di) the second valve is for redundancy (above storage tank) and to drain Ro/Di waste water.
Also the 2 pumps are identical and inlet/outlet plumbing are the same lengths to union. This way they can be interchanged if main pump goes down (weekends)