Ok I went through all my little stuff - here is a list of what I could find. I am not individually pricing these: make an offer or just show up and do some shopping. All extremely discounted! I was planning on throwing most of these in with any of the big purchases below, and I still will.
- fine crushed coral sand bed - about 80 lbs ... enough to cover the tank mentioned below in about 3 to 4 inches
- large siphon sand cleaner
- filter sock
- dry sinking 2mm pellet food
- coral/frag epoxy
- extendable glass scraper with multiple heads including metal edge for coraline algae
- salt, around 10 lbs.
- hand nets
- 4' x 3' sheet of egg crate
- 7 ft of that white drinking water plumbing pipe
- test kits (Mg, Ca, NO3, NH4, pH and Alk, phosphate) may not be complete, all partially used
- bottle of cuperamine
Below, again is the list of larger items for sale some reduced
- old skimmer that works fantastically (quiet, black-green skimmate) but looks hideous - ok for less than 75 gal. I was using it as an extra skimmer if problems occurred - $25 or free if you buy anything else here
- 7 stage RO/DI filter from aquasafecanada (really 5 stage as the last three stages are all the same DI resin beads) with a box of extra filters - $150 see the aquasafe website for description - if you bought this new it would be around $400! - reduced $350
- Aquarium Tank – 150 gal, exact dimensions are: 60 3/8" wide, 24 1/4" deep, 23 3/4 tall. Comes with the wood base and foam … if you want it. REDUCED $250 - OBO Gotta Sell This!
- Vertex Illumnia 1200-260 – white, blue, and royal blue LED set up, controlled wirelessly from your computer. 4 ft long, includes USB control unit and ceiling mount kit. $1250 OBO
- Skimmer – Reef Octopus POV-DC1. Diablo DC pump with air suction at 1000 l/hr. $200
drop me a PM - or reply here.