Originally Posted by daplatapus
Looking great so far! Keep the pics coming, we all love pics. I gather from another post you made you don't live too far away from me. If you need help with anything (I'm a carpenter with more tools and wood than I know what to do with some days) let me know 
While I do live and work in Qualicum Beach, my tanks are all in Poco and hopefully I can snag a position back in the lower mainland within the next year or so. I'm pretty sure my landlord would kill me if I brough home a 150 there

shes quite content that I didnt move in with my snake so she has allowed me my 2 bettas and their tanks.
I am quite pleased with how well the tanks do while I am not around. (Knock on wood....) But they are something that my parents actually enjoy so they can learn and help look after then when I am not around.
Guess I should get out of bed and start working on my stand again. Perhaps I can finish up and make it to the meetup at the pub later.