Originally Posted by StirCrazy
Originally Posted by Canadian Man
Originally Posted by danny zubot
You'll probly need one serious pump for that skimmer. Have you considered a needle wheel pump rather than a becket injector?
It shouldn't require any larger pump than a normal beckett skimmer. The height of the skimmer does not matter because the injector is up very high and therefore not going to have much backpressure on it.
He's going to get crazy contact time though! 
I agree that he is going to need one hell of a pump for that one. seeing the down tube is 2.5" and so high a normal pump will be hard pressed putting any amount of bubbles to the bottom against the water colume, and if anything it is going to make big bubbles instead of small ones. I agree that some sort of recirc or needle wheel in the bottom may be required. you would almost be better off turning it into a counter current skimmer at that hight.
I disagree with you steve. My skimmer is set up very similar but not as tall. It's close though. I use a similar style tube setup after the injector but in 2"pvc. It has no problems producing too much bubbles.
I added a swirling mod. a few weeks ago with a 3/4" T and 2 x 90's to the end of the tube sitting in the main riser and the skimmer produced about 1/2 to 1/3 the bubbles. There was that much restriction.
Now I suppose we should clarify what we consider "one hell of a pump" because i'm using a mak 4 and it's working great! That's not exactly "one hell of a pump but it will do.
I also hope no one is taking me to be a jerk but i'm just having some productive conversation and talking about my own experiences.
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