I've never bothered with chemiclean. It sounds like a product that treats the symptom but not the problem which allows the symptom to persist. Like treating a cough and runny nose rather than the underlying cold. Less sand/no sand, coarse sand, more flow, a more powerful skimmer, no mechanical filtration (like filter pads which just hold rather than remove waste) fresh bulbs, reduced photoperiod, feeding less, having less fish, larger or more frequent water changes, the occasional stirring of the sand etc have served me well.
For example, a friends tank was looking really bad, it had thick patches of green slime all over the sand bed. We determined that the system had several problems: overheating, poor water flow within, insufficient water flow to the sump, a wet/dry trickle filter and old dim PC lighting. Active cooling was ducted in above, a few new impeller powerheads were added to the display, we upgraded the return pump to something larger, gutted the wet/dry filter, stepped up water changes for a few months and ditched the PC fixture for a new MH pendant (the system has since been converted to LED). These days the sand bed looks pristine and the system's overall health has improved immensely.