Originally Posted by kien
While I feel your pain, this is by no means specific to this hobby or this community. In fact, you can even get the same sort of run around with a commercial business! Been there, done that 
Originally Posted by FishyFishy!
Yup. It's simply everywhere.
"Buyer beware" has been around for centuries for a reason. lol.
Either way, sorry for your luck. Some people are just plain stupid.
Ugh, I don't even want to think about how much more frustrating a situation like this could be if my career or financial income was on the line. I just had a stressful morning with having to write an exam and power going out an hour before I had to write the exam, along with this happening I just needed to vent somewhere. Had another situation where I was sold an equipment with the promise that everything worked and that he was willing to reimburse the costs if it happened to be faulty. It did happen to be faulty and the member has been unresponsive to my messages for a while but I still see him post on the forums time to time. I still have hope that he will keep his words and waiting on a response before I take action.
I really appreciate that some of the members took the time to read and respond to my rant. I think I've gotten it out of my system and ready to move on.