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Old 03-09-2016, 09:39 PM
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Ryan7 Ryan7 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Ladner, BC
Posts: 157
Ryan7 is on a distinguished road

Replies: (I don't know how to multiple quote)

-tried the red phone, not bright enough, found a red led flashlight. thx

-"Really a trap is your best bet. Maybe put a pvc pipe with some holes drilled in it and some shrimp or fish or something smelly in just after lights out. Watch with a red flashlight. If you have a spot large enough on your sandbed / bottom that is away from the rock that would be ideal because for all you know he's 8 feet long and you've only seen 2 feet of it."77

^This is along the lines I was thinking of trying, I like where you are going with this, except I was think clear flexible tubing.. with one end out of the water, where I can dangle in bait on a hook and line.. what do you think?

-Not sure what the UV light would do..

-nothing particular I can bait any trap with in my tank...

-If I catch him, anyone is welcome to it.


I have only managed to see it once since the OP. Only about 2" of it... its definitely thick! I have not tried catching it via any trap method yet, as I was hoping more investigation of night watching would give me some clues as to where it hides... no such luck.

My purpose of the OP is to whether someone had something new or clever to get it out, as I cannot/will not take any rock apart... I am well aware of their biology, and the common efforts others have made for removal (;
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