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Old 11-24-2004, 05:57 AM
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Tarolisol Tarolisol is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
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Tarolisol is on a distinguished road
Default Beggining of in wall tank!!!!UPDATED PICS

Ok i am going to take you all along for the ride as I, well me and my dad, build an in wall 210 or so gallon tank. 66x24x30. The tank will sit in my furnace room and be seen from my TV/Movie room.

Lets begin with some pics of the DIY beckett skimmer.

all the pieces

the almost complete thing i still need to make the beckett houseing
it is about 5 and a half feet tall, i had to buy a whole lengh of tube so i figured id just use it all


the back of the wall my dad went a little nutty with the saw.

this is all going to be power outlets most with GFCI outlets.

this is what i have down so far it is going to be my refuge and a bit tub for top off water will sit beside it and a sink for whatever i might need it for

This is it for now and comments or questions are welcomed.
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