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Old 03-06-2016, 05:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Amadod2 View Post
sounds good, out of the dispar and the lyretail, which are better to keep, as being hardier with less problems?
Personal choice I guess.

I could say Lyretail as my guys going on 4 Years with me now, but all his girls I got with him all died from that outbreak. But that's not their fault, everyone but the male anthias and my sailfin blenny died from that. So I don't strike that against the anthias.

Both the dispars and the Lyretail I had were put on pellets just as easily.
I think the adult male Lyretail are stunning fish when they start turning red/purple, where as Dispars look like they have a mullet going on

In all honesty... I only picked those species because thats what J&L had at the time, and they were around $20 each, I wasn't spending more then that per fish

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