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Old 03-04-2016, 06:09 PM
dino dino is offline
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: chilliwack
Posts: 330
dino is on a distinguished road

I use orp everyday in our pools. It stands for oxidization reduction potential and I use it to help with chlorine levels. Your number will fluctuate if your ph, temp, and some other factors change. Me personally I would use it as a way to help monitor the stability of your pentameters but I will be following this thread to see how it's used in the trade
150 gallon reef mostly softies/lps. 50 gal sump with bubble magnus skimmer/ Led fuge light/refugium/ 1200 return and tunze powerheads. Dual pharoah main tank led.4 pump dosser.
550 gallon stingray tank water drip system
150 bowfront. 75 turtle tank, many others
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