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Old 03-04-2016, 03:50 PM
lyall12 lyall12 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 60
lyall12 is on a distinguished road

Have had the rock in water for a couple of weeks now.

Picked up the stand from Concept last week. Now working on finalizing my design for stand skin and canopy.

Here's a mockup so far. Front will have a panel with doors. Canopy will be hinged to allow front to lift up, and will put a couple doors in the front for quick easy access. I plan on suspending the lights from a support that can slide front to back to allow positioning and move out of the way for easier access to tank.

Sump and pipes will be enclosed in a sealed tray and backsplash. Should give me about 10 gallons of "uh oh" overflow and spillage before any water hits the floor. I'll have a water sensor in there to alert should that start to happen.

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