Clearing the frag rack, everything is 100% cultured!
-Located Calgary SW (next to MRU)
-Shipping available @ buyers expense (arrive alive guarantee)
-Photos are taken @ high noon with 10 24W T5s
-PM for details
-Package discounts apply, PM for questions.
Zoanthid Frags:
Sunny D (7 polyps) $40
LA Lakers (5 polyp) $30
Vampire Paly (4 polyp) $100
Blue Hornets (4 polyp) $80
Purple Macaw/ Hornet (4 polyp) $25
Purple Macaw/ Hornet (10 polyp) $50
Rainbow Hornets (12 polyps) $120
Dragon Eyes (14 polyps) $60
Captain America (3 polyps) $15
Miami Vice (10 polyp) $30
Candy Apple Red (6 polyps) $40
Purple Death Paly (4 polyps) $20
Purple Death Paly (4 polyp) $20
Red Death Paly (4 polyp) $20
Nuclear Green (2 polyps) $10
Red Mini Zoas (15 polyps) $30
Ultimate Rhastas (7 polyps)**has symbiotic sponge $100
Polypz Canada Michelangelo's (10 polyps) $60
Sunny Ds
Lakers/ Vampire Palys
Blue & Purple Hornets
Rainbow Hornets
Ultimate Rhastas
Candy Apple Reds, Nuclear Greens, Purple Deaths, Captain Americas, Red Microzoas, Dragon Eyes
Zoanthid Colonies:
Sunny D's (60+ polyps) $400
Supernovas (40+ polyps) $200
Reefraft Jumbo Hornets (Appx 140 polyps) $400
*** Single mojeno and clove polyp present
Mind Blowing Palys (18 polyps) $180
Water Melon/ Misc Rock Colony $60
World Wide Corals Twizzler (40+ polyps) $300
Armor of Gods (65+ polyps) $400

Tyree Armageddons (10 polyps) $100
Red Microzoas (45 polyps) $60