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Old 11-23-2004, 08:56 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy
what happened there? I missed it while I was in San Deigo, and I wasn't about to read 400 post friday night when I got home. Good thing is I am posted ashore now for two years so no trips for a while.

Welcome back home then (at least .. ?? Sorry that it's crummy circumstances to start it off.)

There are some details in this thread:

But basically what happened was one of my tanks started to leak, so I decided to move everything in it into a new tank (even a slow leak, you can't really live with that). My ritteri anemone however didn't care so much for being moved and (at least as near as I can figure) released something into the water which caused the fish to suffocate to death. Maybe it's something as (seemingly) benign as slime, which coated their gills, and affected their ability to breathe. By the time I realized the fish were having difficulties it was too late to save them. Although I was able to save my mandarin by placing him into a different tank, and my clownfish was unaffected throughout the whole ordeal.

I feel so stupid because I'd seen this phenomenon before, only at the time missed the mark in thinking what it was (when I moved earlier this year all the fish in that particular tank, except the clownfish, died in the hours following the move .. at the time I thought it was just stress from the move itself). I guess just because an anemone doesn't eat a fish, doesn't mean it can't kill a fish. Of course I don't know for 100% sure that's what it was, but it seems a plausible theory.

Anyhow, if you rebuild, you're welcome to any frags from my tank. We can figure out a way to ship 'em or something.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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