New fish are in

I would like to thank Red and The Coral Reef Shop for these amazing fish.
I also today ordered a few upgrades to the tank from, I am going to be adding the ALD to my apex with 3 low-profile probes. I will also be changing my Jebo's that I currently run with the Apex WAV. I ended up going with 4 WAV pumps and 2 modules. The other option I was going to go with was the Maxspect Gyre XF130 x4 but it lost the coin toss

I will also be adding 1 more AFS to try to curb any aggression that is bound to show up due to the new inhabitants of my tank. Also a VDM module for some projects I have planed.
The only thing I think I am missing now is one more DOS system for dosing.. This will come later as I slowly switch into sps.
I will be taking some pics of my tank this weekend as it is doing quite well in my eyes. I also have a video interview with LEOPAZZO coming up that will be fun and hopefully answer some questions on my system. I know now that he is battling a crash on his tanks and hope he is still up for doing it.