Here's a quick pic update. I've been playing around with coral placement a lot, so things still need to settle and grow in, and there's a few corals to place still. But you get the idea of where it's heading, things are really taking shape now. A few corals didn't photograph well in this setting, and there's a few not shown. I'll try to do a full photo list soon.
I've also been battling a major 'brown slime' bloom (possibly dino's) for the last month. Long story short, i've been manually removing them once a week during regular water changes. For the last week i've been using Korallen-Zucht's Coral Snow in line with Brigthwell's MicroBacter7 and that seems to have done the job. Ultimately the algae is using up nutrients, which is a good thing, so I let it run it's course and try not to freak out while manually removing it so that it doesn't negatively effect my corals. In a more established tank, I might do other things too. But as the tank is so new, I let it balance itself out with little to no change in husbandry, accept the addition of the Coral Snow and MB7.
Feb 15th 2016 FTS

Bali Green Slimer (Acropora Yongei)

Superman/Bullseye Rhodactis

Grape Vine acro (Acropora Secale)

Yellow Highlighter (Acropora Caroliniana)

Mr.Pacman (Acropora Hurlock)

Purple Highlighter (Acropora Plana)

Tear Drop Tridacna Clam

Rasta's (Zoanthids)

Superman/Bullseye Rhodactis

Superman/Bullseye Rhodactis

Mr.Pacman (Acropora Hurlock)

Used to be neon yellow, now neon green (Acropora Vermiculata)

Chilli Pepper Monti (Montipora sp.)

Yellow Nebula Yuma Mushroom
