Thread: Kalkwasser
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Old 02-14-2016, 07:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
I used it for years, loved it. I only stopped due to changing my top off system, and I built my own Ca reactor for very cheap. And kalk can be harder to find, and expensive if you find it. If you can source pickling lime from the US, then it's cheap.
One member here supplied it in bulk, he got it from an Asian source, probably pickling lime.

But with all the new tech in dosing and such, people have started leaning towards that, simply because it's tech and bling.
I haven't been paying attention. When did that happen? I bought 50lbs of Kalk for $2.50/lbs to my door a few years ago (probably from the member that you're referring to). I've sold some of it locally but probably still have enough that I will never have to purchase it again even if I continue to use it until my dying day.

I built my own simple Kalk Reactor to run it inline with my ATO system. Usually once or twice a month I'll dump 1 cup into the reactor and thats all there is to it. I do also run a Calcium Reactor as Kalk alone isn't enough to keep up with the coral growth and the two complement each other nicely.
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