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Old 02-12-2016, 10:24 PM
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Bblinks Bblinks is offline
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Originally Posted by kobelka View Post
All your colours are really excellent. Would you elaborate on the vinegar and foz down? I'm intrigued by both. Manual or auto dose and how much how often? I like the look of all frags as much as colonies.
Nothing elaborate by any means but I do try to look at my corals and gauge how much or how less I need to dose. I think nothing is gonna tell you more than the health of the corals in tank.

140 gallons of water, I usually dose 10ml-15ml daily, 7-15 drops of foz-down in the filter sock also dosed daily. Rowaphos is used according to the BRS calculator and swap out 3-6 months depending on how the po4 is reacting.

All the dosing except for the big three is done manually but I think I will automate it very soon.

Hope this helps. Happy reefing!
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