So I started a nano tank in my office in April of last year as I was bored with the hobby and didn't want to deal with 2 tanks at home. Figured at least at work I could waste some spare time I have there, tinkering with the tank. It was fun for awhile, I started it with rock from my big tank, new sand and some ricordea and zoas.
By november the tank started to take a downturn. I had cyano starting so I treated with chemiclean which was successful, but I also had green hair algae and some slimy brown long stranded stuff. I did lots of 95% waterchanges (hard to get that last bit out) and but to no avail. I removed all of the corals from the tank as everything looked terrible and was crowded out by the algae (everything is flourishing in the big tank at home). In late December/early January I had what looked like dinos starting up so I blacked out the tank fully for 3 days and did a waterchange afterwards. Since then I've done 2 more waterchanges.
There are a few zoas left in the tank, they migrated from the frag plugs onto the rock so there wasn't much I could do for them. They're still there but haven't opened for months. I have one tiny green ricordea which used to be the size of a twoonie, now the size of a pencil eraser. 2 weeks ago I added some healthy zoas and ricordea from the big tank. The zoas strted to curl up and are mostly closed and the ricordea seem ok, same size as they were in the main tank but I can see something is up.
I added a couple of hermit crabs to clean up the last of the algae and act as canaries in the tank. For some time the snails in the tank would all be in stasis, not dead but not mobile either. Now they're fairly active. One of the hermit crabs died, but I think his buddy helped him out with that, hermit crabs are jerks. The one thats left seems fairly active but I'm not sure if he needs a prod in the mornings because he likes to sleep in or what. Hes been in the same spot on the sandbed since the lights came on 2h ago.
So my question after this lengthy read is, the tank is obviously not flourishing. Do I wait it out with more weekly waterchanges? Or do I restart with new rock and sand? The tank looked really good for awhile before the shit hit (which I suspect was triggered by some cleaning spray by an office mate, who has been since told to cease and desist). I can wait but everyone stops by to see how the tank is doing and well, its not really doing. That being said, I do see lots of amphipod action this week which hasn't been seen in quite awhile. So maybe its coming around??
Thoughts, suggestions, advices??
Tank in April 2015
Tank Today: