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Old 02-04-2016, 02:19 AM
rockworm rockworm is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Ottawa, Ont
Posts: 54
rockworm is on a distinguished road

My first tank was a 90. I had a yellow and a kole tang in it. They seemed to do very well. I am afraid that I am now developing an obsession for wrasses. I started with the yellow coris in my tank. Colourful and active. Since then, I have added a yellow tail tamarin, a lubbocks and a red head solar. Two weeks ago the solar took a jump behind my tank and I could not get to him. He is being replaced with a red velvet that is curently in QT. I have the tank covered with 1/4" mesh but I had one of the panels off. He startled when I approached the tank and went for a flight. I considered the pencil wrasse at JLA but read they dont always ship well so will keep looking.

Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Fwiw, I have seen lots of the smaller Tang species do very well in 90-gallon tangs...Yellows, Tominis, Koles, Convicts. I find the Tominis and Convicts to be the most docile of Tangs. Yellows and he occasional Kole can be real a-holes. I prefer Yellow Coris Wrasse (C. chrysus) for the bright yellow coloration in smaller tanks.
400g SPS tank + 75 LPS tank
Remote 90g + 65g sump.
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