Whoa, exactly how I wanted to start my afternoon
Originally Posted by rockworm
At the risk of getting banned, you most regrettably did make a personal attack. So please, in your expert opinion, tell us what is the appropriate minimum tank for a yellow tang? I would also appreciate the reasons for your recommendation.
No, I was attacking the advice. Previous poster mentioned that they"read up" the 100 gallon rule. I'm criticizing their source, not them. And here you go: buy a small one, 50 gallons. Done. Got a big one? Get a bigger tank. Adjust your future livestock purchases in accordance with the personality of your fish. Take care of water changes and enjoy your fish for the next 20 years.
Originally Posted by rockworm
I would like to extend your "aggression" analysis to include dogs, humans, and most likely any other mammal. Every one has a unique personality from absolute submission to extreme aggression, so your cat example is moot. Put too many of anything in a closed environment and even the most passive will get aggressive.
... Are you attacking my point or just attacking me? Because you've discounted my analogy using some pretty flimsy mental gymnastics.
Originally Posted by rockworm
Finally, if your dog is the size of a mature elephant, then maybe you need 15 acres. I have 3 dogs, two that weigh 25 lbs and one that weighs 11 lbs. I have a 2400 sq foot yard that is more than adequate for them (yes, they are also taken for walks).
I'm not sure what your angle is here. Seems like it lends credibility to my argument.
Originally Posted by rockworm
Your hyperbole does nothing to your credibility. I am not an animal rights activist, and I do not treat my pets as human. However, I do wish to provide the best environment for them that I can. I have two tangs (tomini and purple) in a 220g and I feel that is sufficient for my tank. Others will see room for more and others for less. I do research the recommended tank minimum as well as the compatibility for any livestock that I add to my tank. I can learn from the experience of others, but that is just me.
Okay! Glad you've preemptively disqualified anyone with anything less than a 6' tank from ever being able to properly care for their fish in a humane fashion. And sadly, that's not just you.