Originally Posted by Myka
Hey thanks for the detailed response!!!! How long is the trip from Manila airport to Batangas? I read reviews on Trip Advisor that said the Sabang area has plenty of hookers at night. Just what I was looking for!
Thanks for the info on the scooters too. I was thinking I might like to rent one. I'm not sure I'll be doing a whole lot of exploring because hubby is actually staying at home and I'm traveling with a bunch of people that I don't know very well, so I may end up being a bit of a chicken.  I would love to see some of the waterfalls and other sights I've heard about though.
I love to try new foods, but there's no way I'm eating weird meats. That's where I draw the line!
Not sure if you can catch a bus from the airport to Batangas, you may have to go to Cubao station like we did? Uber has worked really well for us in Manila, better than taxis. The bus ride is about 2 1/2 hours from Cubao to the port.
Well if you like hookers...and men...than Sabang is where it's at, many of them are playing dress up
Filipino food is all about salt and meat and strange cuts of meat, those are just a few that are a little more out there. I draw the line at feet and noses and blood. The intestines was pretty weird but I actually enjoyed the texture and taste of that compared to the other 2 mentioned. You could cheat with the Balot like I did, leave the chick and just try the yolk part
I can send you the name and address of our scooter guy, he's right near the heart of Sabang