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Old 01-29-2016, 08:41 AM
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Etaloche Etaloche is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
MB7 and Prodibio BioDigest are similar (How similar? We don't know because there are no ingredients listed haha). They are both bacteria products. Prodibio Start Up also has the Ammo Lock vials in it which neutralizes the ammonia and allows you to add livestock sooner. If there is an algae bloom before the cycle is over, this Ammo Lock comes in handy because you can add a CUC (clean up crew). That's really the only difference. You could essentially do the same with MB7 and some other ammonia detoxifier like Prime or Amquel.
Alright, I'll stick with the MB7 and see how things go. Next time I start up a tank I'll definitely try out the Prodibio products. Who knows, at the rate I was upgrading, another upgrade might not be too far off
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