Originally Posted by gobytron
do you have any pics or vids of that?
Can you put crickets or something in there for them to "hunt"?
Discus schmiscus...
No I don't as they actually scare a little easy and tend to hind or play it cool when you're around so getting a picture would be difficult. A video would be easier if you left a camera running for a while but I've never bothered. I've only seem them do a few dozen times, often I get sprayed sitting at the bar minding my own business. They can easily spit out the tank top with decent velocity.
I won't put live crickets in due the lack of containment. I had reptiles before and often had to deal with the cricket noises around the house from the odd one that would get away. But yes they would hunt them and they do certainly get any spiders or other house bugs that find their way in there.