Thanks Mika,
I was using one of those straight through ASV like the one you have pictured.
My inlet water pressure is 65psi. The through ASV was stopping the water flow at 40psi.
So, in my brilliance, I decided to install an inlet booster pump that would boost inlet pressure to 70-100 psi. Thus increasing my outlet pressure to my ice maker. Good in theory only. The electric ASV for the in line boost pump limited outlet pressure to 35psi.
So, I removed the booster pump and electric ASV. I also swapped out the straight through ASV for the round Payne type ASV.
I am happy with the results, so far.
Outlet pressure is now 46psi when ASV stops water flow.
This is good as I will be splitting the after pre-filter line into one for ice maker and one higher output for aquarium water when needed. I will just be changing out sediment and charcoal filters more often.
The hammering was being caused by pressure pump cavitation.