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Old 01-25-2016, 06:03 PM
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Duckhams Duckhams is offline
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Toronto
Posts: 206
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So after running the Vectra for a few months now i've found a few helpful features that fit my setup better than I could have expected. The simplest and most helpful feature is the control EcoSmart LIVE via the ReefLink offers over the pumps flow output.

(reduces overflow noise and power consumption)
Through EcoSmart LIVE I can calibrate and reduce the pumps flow so that during the night time hours the return flow slows, which significantly quiets the water noise in the external overflow. And while lowering the water level in the overflow box, it doesn't go slow that my beananimal drain (full siphon) siphons more water than available and gets really noisy. This is huge for me because my tank is in my home office 2 doors from my bedroom and overflow box gurgling is the number one reason I get hit in the face with a pillow every other night. (see graph below, super easy to setup and just)

Detritus Flush/Feed Mode Cleanup: (increases return flow in sync with Vortechs to remove detritus)
I have only tested this a couple times and haven't yet set it to run daily as i've been playing around with all the other pump features. But you can also use EcoSmart LIVE to set 'points' throughout the day where the calibrated flow raises to full power (which again, doesn't overload you drains because you calibrated it to your system) to flush your system of uneaten food, flakes, detritus etc. When you sync this with your Vortech's (having 2 is really the best for this) you can create a veritable washing machine effect in your tank to clean every available crevice and cranny of detritus, and man does this work well! M1 pump goes into full power, vortech's sync and ramp up and up comes the dirt! At first I was worried about my corals getting bashed around, but they reacted well and seemed fine with the extra turbulence.

SOFT START: (keeps pump/returns quiet on start up)
The feed mode option is great, but I still get more flow than I'd like since I had to dial it in with my beananimal overflow to keep the overflow running silent all the time. So I just shut the pump off for feedings as usual, and the soft start feature (automatically) gently ramps it up again to get the overflow running, which takes about 30 seconds from start to finish and it's crazy quiet as it gets running (the pump I mean). This is nice, because it doesn't wake me up when it gets running again after a power outage in the night or disturb me when it starts after a feed mode and im on the phone (home office). I can barely hear it.

There are more things I like about the pump, but I won't go on. It's near silent operation is why I got it, but it's proven to be more of a benefit to my system/life than I had hoped. 5/5 from me.

My Tank Build on Aquatic Log

BIG REEF Tank Re-Build Thread:
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