I was thinking 10% weekly water changes would be enough until I get a skimmer- would that be about right?
I know the aquarium dimensions are awkward but sadly it was the only aquarium I've been able to find in my price range for many months apart from the nanos. Is there a way to make it work? My thought was doing corals closer to the surface ontop of the rock work so it would get as much light as possible.
Yes it's a 2x 36" T5 HO bulb fixture. Would that alone be enough and which bulbs would you suggest so I wouldn't have to add LED?
Awesome tips about the filter, I will stick the the aqua clear with carbon and filter pads then for now!
Inhabitants I'm still looking into but was thinking of just going with cardinals, clown and a couple other small ones such as a fire fish or similar.
For clean up I was thinking starfish, snails, cleaner shrimp, and hermits.
I have my list for specific types of creatures at home and will post that in a bit!