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Old 01-25-2016, 05:27 AM
Breeing Breeing is offline
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Location: Whitehorse, YT
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Breeing is on a distinguished road
Default New 40gallon Reef!

Hey everyone, i've been talked out going the nano route and have found a 40 gallon aquarium to start my first reef tank in!

Please help with some equipment ideas!
I am on a tight budget and not quite ready to DIY anything.

Here is what i know i'm currently getting (tell me if i should change anything!):

40 gallon (30"L x 12"W x 23"H)
150w Marina heater
Koralia 565
30lbs dead rock
10lbs live rock
IO reef salt
40lbs natures ocean reef sand

What i don't know yet is lighting, protein skimmer and filter.

I've been looking at the current orbit LED, but am unsure if it will be strong enough? I also have a 36" T5 HO aquatic life which i would be able to use, but would prefer LED *IF* its best. Which type of lighting do you recommended- keeping in mind i'm looking for an Under $200 for lighting.

Protein Skimmer- do i even need one right now? If so which?!

Filter... goodness i'm confused on this subject, i can't do an overflow nor sump, so am looking at either an aqua clear 70 or fluval canister 306 filled only just sponges and carbon yes?

I am looking at doing a *basic* soft coral setup with fish and cleanup crew. So mushrooms. Xenia, etc. Nothing super fancy.
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