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Old 01-24-2016, 05:37 PM
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Default If you have no canopy, how much light spill are you getting?

Hey folks!

If you're running a tank with no canopy, I'd like your feedback.

I was currently running now a maxspect razor on my tank, it's mounts with the legs it comes with. It's 8" off the top of the tank. But being led, and not having wide optics I had no noticeable light spill.

I added some retro t5s, and the light spill was crazy annoying and I had to throw together a hood to block the blinding light.

I was hoping my next tank would be rimless open top with a fixture mounted on top. So for those of you running fixtures mounted on the tanks, what fixture are you using, how high is it off the top of the tank? How much light spill do you get?

The tank will be beside the dining table and I don't want to blind everyone sitting down to eat lol

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