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Old 01-24-2016, 04:52 PM
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Duckhams Duckhams is offline
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Toronto
Posts: 206
Duckhams is on a distinguished road

I had quite a specific hit-list of SPS that I wanted to keep in this setup and im pleased to have been able to get most of them. I added a couple colonies this week, which im super pleased with. I picked up an Acropora Microclados which is a pale pink with white polyps right now, im hoping it's a strawberry shortcake, but until it colours up a bit im not sure. It looks awesome as is with the white polyps, so it's win win however it turns out. Here's my current acro list:

Acropora Yongei (Bali Green Slimer)
Acropora Microclados (possibly a Strawberry Shortcake, yet to colour up)
Acropora Granulosa (Northern Lights - love this one and its huge at least 7" across)
Acropora Tenuis (Blue Ice Tenuis)
Acropora Caroliniana
Acropora Carduus (Mr. Pacman)
Acropora Hyacinthus (Red Planet)
Acropora Secale (Grape Vine)
Acropora Robusta (electric green but instantly browned out in ReVive coral cleaner)
Acropora Plana
(Purple Highlighter)

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