Thread: lf advice
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Old 01-22-2016, 03:29 PM
Reeferluke Reeferluke is offline
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Reeferluke is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by TimT View Post
I would do a few good water changes and let the tank recover(4 to 6 weeks). After it recovers I would slowly start Vodka/Vinegar dosing to control nitrate and use Foz Down to control Phosphate. If you keep your Phosphates <0.04 and your nitrate <10 you should do fine with acros.

If your interested in an ethical choice for rock you could try the Walt Smith Reef Project rock, I have dry and ocean seeded available.

I have been using foz down for about 2 years now in my ato. It works great it's easy and I don't have to play around with gfo every month. I'm thinking the same thing let the tank do its thing for a month or more. But I don't trust myself with vodka dosing anymore that's why the bio pellets. I am very interested in the Walt Smith rock and will give you a pm about it.
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