Thread: lf advice
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Old 01-22-2016, 03:23 PM
Reeferluke Reeferluke is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
What level of nitrate did it spike to? What level do you want to aim for? How about phosphate? PO4 is more important than NO3 imo. What do you have for a skimmer? I'd be investing in a skimmer upgrade before biopellets. Imo biopellets are a fix tool, not a permanent piece of equipment. Lots of people use them all the time, but I don't think it's necessary or optimal.
My nitrate spiked to 25 then i brought them down to 2. I would like to keep them around 5. My po4 was .05 not so bad i prefer around .03. I have a curve 5 skimmer on a 72gal with a soon to be light bio load again. I want to use the bio pellets because I don't trust my dosing regime for vodka.
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