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Old 01-19-2016, 11:03 PM
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Etaloche Etaloche is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
It's not that thin. Anthony will be fine. I'd drill all three in the bottom. Well technically, I'd just do two and go for Herbie because, why not?

If you put a 45 degree elbow at the top of the first emergency drain, and use 45s on the rest of that line instead of 90s, the drain will be quieter. There will probably always be a trickle going down the emergency line.
I've heard mixed opinions about having a wet emergency line.
People who are running the bean animal all told me they are happy with it and wouldn't ever go back haha I just thought after all this work why not implement the best method possible.
I think I will try to tinker with the design a bit more and see what's possible.
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