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Old 01-19-2016, 04:52 PM
Fin2you Fin2you is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Airdrie, AB
Posts: 81
Fin2you is on a distinguished road

I have 2 similar tanks on the FW side of things. they are run with tetra whisper filters with Seachem's Matrix live rock in for "filter medium". the only chemicals I use is Prime when I do water top off. They are planted with a good base of Volcanic aquatic soil & well planted. Plants thrive being fed from the fish waste, the oldest kid probably over feeds them but hey they're happy. I find if I have algae growth on the tank it means something is out of balance. I removed a bunch of snails out of my big tank into the smaller & they hatched out baby's. I'm slowly picking the baby's out of the smaller tank & putting them into the big tank. Algae problem being solved. When I have it back under control & the snail baby's are a good size off to the LFS they'll go for some store credit!
In the Salt water tank lastnight I was estatic to discover some Chaeto growing on the back wall! I put my seaweed sheet "clip" which the lawnmower blenny seems to recognize immediately b/c he follows it the minute I slid it into the tank to the middle of the patch empty & he knew what to do
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