I find the online world "funny".. Enough said on the subject let's move onto the more important things in life.our dog approves of the new tank. He will sit up on his haunches to view the activities. The cats are POd they can't fish in this tank either. (love Glass tank toppers. The kids are on cloud 9 regarding mom's choices made for mom's tank. I finally after days of wrestling with how should we stock the tank I put my foot down. I started this SW journey last fall with just a nano 5.5 gal coral build only for me. The kids begged for a Clownfish I said no it wasn't going to happen in my little tank. Hubby approved a bigger tank but essentially this is still MY TANK. I clean/feed/test & research. They enjoy. Enough of me trying to make them happy they have their Clownfish, which I love & am glad we got & the yellow goby makes me smile everything I see him frowning away in his corner. & The Blenny, crabs, macro starfishes & snails each have their place & that is fine. There is 1 fish I have said I want if I ever got a SW tank. So instead of trying to stock the tank with fish that would not be compatible eventually with my hoped for fish. I would rather just not spend the $ on them. There is still room on my rock for corals & there is still room to build up my rock formation. Which means more corals! Problem solved.
Oh so thrilled tonight when I went to feed to see the green algae growth on the back of the tank wall exactly where I hoped it would... Rocky found it too. I think he smiled at me as he chowed down. Don't understand the panic over a simple part of a natural system we all seem to want to recreate.... Get a natural algae controller.... Lawnmower Blenny are so dang ugly they are cute. Supplimental feed to keep him from starving if he's too fantastic at his job & let some real algae grow. It's part of a real system.😘
I love research, it is so cool the things you can learn about yourself as you focus on a task at hand. & there is nothing wrong with a break from your usual. Infact variety is a good thing. Each of my tanks gives me a certain different satisfaction. Plus this tank is pulling me back out to meeting new people & restoring my thoughts that there still are decent people left in the world.