Originally Posted by Animal-Chin
So cost wise it's a biopellet reactor and pellets every 2 years? I'm guessing the 2 little fishes phosban reactor isn't good enough for pellets? I have one that was modified for them but have never used it, got it free in a trade a few years ago...
Not really familiar with that reactor. The important thing is to have a tall one to allow enough room for the bio pellets to tumble properly without clumping and floating up and getting stuck at the top.
I have the old UF20 Vertex reactor (not sure the name of the current replacement model). Works very well. I don't even use a pump for it. Just have a T off the return pump, and control the flow with the reactor ball valve on the input side. Important to have the reactor flow output go to your skimmer input.
And it is totally maintenance free. Usually run it for over a year before adding more pellets.