Pick up in south Port Coquitlam
No holds
No delivery
No trades
Pm me about it, I'm not going to pm you.
Gold/Yellow Hammer - Fresh cut. Typical small headed euphyllia.
$20 single head, $35 double. Few of each could be cut.
Orange/pink Hammer - Fresh cut. Typical small headed euphyllia.
$20 single head, $35 double. 1-2 available depending where I cut.
Purple tip green Hammer - Fresh cut. Typical small headed euphyllia.
$15 single, $25 double. 1-2 available.
Cream Hammer - Fresh cut. Typical small headed euphyllia.
I call this one Silver Hammer, its more like a pale version of the gold/yellow.
$20 single, $30 double. 1-2 available.
Hammerspawn purple tip green. - Fresh cut. Medium sized heads.
$15 single, $25 double. 1-2 available.
Purple Pocci - Fresh cut. Large portion will be cut from the base.
$20 will be a few inches tall, few inches wide, and 1-2" deep. I know what branch I want to cut not sure what tips go with it. It will be the front portion of my colony.
Montipora Confusa. Piece was broken off earlier while moving stuff around.
$10 bit smaller then a ping pong ball.
Green plating montipora. Piece was broken off earlier while moving stuff around.
$5 approx 3"
Mushrooms - Umounted. Bunch of purple rhodactus 1", 2 green stripe 2", 1 green fuzzy 8" or bigger (it was big)
Just pop them in a net or container with some rock rubble and they will attach on their own.
$5 for the green fuzzy. $2each for the green stripe. $2 each for purple rhodactus. ($2 ones can be free with purchase of something else.
Photos do not do justice to the gold/orange hammers. I don't own photoshop so I don't have the talent required to alter photos.
Some of these are photos I've take on the coral in the past, others are fresh from my phone.
Orange and gold
Montipora confuse on right, or just google it.
Hammerspawn left, Regular purple tip hammer on Right
The chunk of green plating monti
It will be the front potion of this purple pocci
Really really bad photo of the cream/silver hammer (top), purple tip hammer, and hammerspawn
Green stripe shrooms and purple ones can be seen in this older FTS