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Old 01-12-2016, 08:47 PM
truperc truperc is offline
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Salmon Arm
Posts: 52
truperc is on a distinguished road
Default Tank Journal 180 bowfront upgrade

I hope to keep track of my new tank build here as over the years there have been many changes to my tank but I can never remember when I did what. I also hope that maybe one or two of you may get an idea or two from my design as I do everything on a budget and I enjoy the building as much as the final process. As l have a full life with a wonderful wife and great teenage kids, this usually means I am slow to complete projects but I think it is more rewarding when it finally gets done. This picture is of my current tank that has been running for 12 years and as you can see it is pretty packed, so when my wife gave the ok to get a new tank I was excited to say the least. I have purchased my new tank in August but it has taken me until now to get enough done on it to post some updates. A big thank you to boots who sold me the tank for a great price! I am so pleased.
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