Originally Posted by Myka
That sir, is your problem. Number one rule - keep fish stuff out of the kitchen and bathroom. That is wife territory (don't tell her that!). 
Let's throw a monkey wrench into this just b/c I can. What if the wife is the fish keeper & the husband has the problem with the fish stuff everywhere??? I have a 10gal fish tank on my kitchen counter & over my dead body does it go anywere. I love interacting with my betta while I'm stuck in the kitchen god only knows how many hours out of the day cooking for these legged family members (both 2 & 4), plus my basement spare kitchen right now is a disaster zone of Extra fish stuff I don't know what to do with & there are 2 5gal tanks in the garage hubby doesn't want there.......
Hubby put a shelf in the bottom of the metal stand for my 40gal but it's open (just got a tablecloth covering it & the damn cats keep getting under there knocking everything over.