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Old 01-09-2016, 11:28 PM
dcw1sfu dcw1sfu is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
That particular freebie, BioS, is not probiotic bacteria, it is nitrifying bacteria and would be good to use for someone that's just starting their tank. The NP Pro that comes with the probiotic salt is not nitrifying bacteria, it is probiotic bacteria (the same that feeds off biopellets) which lower nitrate and phosphate.

Instant Ocean often has a tshirt in the bucket. That doesn't mean you have to wear it.

Myka it's Pro Bio S in the bucket not Bio S so it's probiotic bacteria. Also NP pro is not a bacteria it's a carbon source so you would need to use Pro Bio S in conjuction with it. NP Pro is a different carbon source then their original product Pro F and apparently stronger. I ordered Pro F to use with Pro Bio S but may eventually switch to NP pro.

Last edited by dcw1sfu; 01-09-2016 at 11:32 PM.
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