my skimmer doesnt seem to be working anymore. I have been running the Cad Lights PLS-100 for about two years now and all of a sudent there are no bubbles in the body of the skimmer, the water is clear throughout the whole thing.
This is the skimmer i have:
I took apart the pump last week and gave it a decide clean. Im not sure if its the pump thats the issue, it seems to be pumping the water fine. I have a 60gal cube and this thing is rated for 70-100gal but i was told that its always better to get a skimmer that is a little bigger than your tank. The skimmer was kicking ass for a while but not anymore. In my 60 gal i have a yellow tang, 2 clown, a sixline and a damsel so i should have some sort of bioload. I read something about oily hands in the takes cause the skimmer to stop work. if this is the case, what can i do to get it back up and foaming again. please help