Originally Posted by ALBERTA REEF
I have not poked at the bear for along time. Updates PICS 
Well 2015 was not good to me or the family at all!!!
First off we lost all our Koi for the pond the night before we where heading to Africa from a electrical surge ( best I can figure )
Second the day we where traveling home from our Africa trip our 6 yr old male husky Zeus had what the vet figures was an epileptic seizure and passed away one block away from the vet, our son was rushing him in when he passed. Worst homecoming ever!!! Really miss my beautiful boy.
Third my tank was completely over run by asterina stars destroying all my zoas. Ended up removing a lot of my rock as it was covered in them. My whole house RO system membrane fouled due to system failure of my bleaching pump which caused my tank ro system to fail causing very very bad water quality.
Fourth and without a doubt the hardest hit was the passing of our beloved beautiful female husky Roxie, my heart still hurts and almost in tears as I type this. Something unknown destroyed all her platelets in her blood. We had the vet run every test there was to try to determine the cause with no results. We tried a platelet enriched transfusion but still lost her July 11, she let out a couple cries that brought both my wife & I running to her, she crawled into our laps, looked up into our eyes gave both of us a kiss and took her last breath.......OMG that was hard to type!!!!
Then last but not least I had a fish I bought from a tank shutdown that looked really healthy when I got it and was doing great in my tank. Then out of the blue my Scopus tang decided he didn't like him. Picked on him until he was dead. I didn't notice it right away and suspect that the dead fish might have been carrying the velvet virus and with in less then 2 weeks all but one tang and 3 wasses were dead.
I have been thinking long and hard about just shutting it all down for good!!!