I find the trend in current sci-fi is to make even bigger and bigger threats to existence than ever seen before. It's like the pressure is on to present something that's so dangerous it shocks us into caring that much more about the outcome. Except now that it's so big it's just hard to comprehend the scale. It's not just this movie with the planet that kills several planets at once, but look at Star Trek: ooops there goes the whole planet Vulcan, shucks. I don't know how many times "the galaxy" or "the universe" or heck "all of creation" is threatened by the Daleks but since the last threat was solved, this next one has to be even bigger! .. but for me the problem now is that these are just sooooo big, it's hard to buy into it, and it affects my suspension of disbelief.
Switching gears a little .... I will say that whatever the Millenium Falcon is made out of .... I want my next vehicle to be made of that!! Boat bike truck whatever. Just make it out of that stuff! "Military Grade Aluminium" has NOTHING on it!! Look, you fly straight into mountainsides, through forests .. and not a scratch. Oh, the insides are falling apart and stuff, but nothing an astromech or a reupholstering couldn't fix up nice.