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Old 01-05-2016, 11:47 PM
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TimT TimT is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Courtenay, BC
Posts: 600
TimT is on a distinguished road

Something to consider with your tank is that Anthias, Wrasses and Gobies all will jump.
Sailfin tangs(Yellows and Sailfin's) can get to 8" in a tank. Much larger in the wild.
For Angels the Genicanthus are a good bet in a reef tank as they don't eat corals. Female Bellus is one of my favourites.
Chromis can be very problematic. Picking on each other... going missing etc.

I like the Blue Star Allen's Damsel. Way more colour and they do school a bit. I had a school of 18 in my sps tank and they were gorgeous.

Orange spot Rabbitfish are a good herbivore too.

__________________ - Foz Down - an easy way to eliminate algae outbreaks caused by Phosphate and bring back the fun of reef keeping.
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